The IEEE North Saskatchewan Section serves more than 200 IEEE members in and around the Saskatoon area.
Message from the Section Chair
Dear IEEE North Saskatchewan Section Members,
Welcome to the IEEE North Saskatchewan Section for 2025! It is my pleasure to serve as your Chair for the 2024-2025 term, and I’m excited about the opportunities we have ahead. Our section is filled with dedicated professionals, and we are committed to fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment where members can connect, learn, and grow.
This year, one of my focus will be on enhancing member engagement. We have some great initiatives lined up—from technical talks and workshops to social and networking events. Whether you’re looking to connect with fellow professionals, learn something new, or find ways to contribute to our field, we’ve got something for you. My goal is to foster a space where every member feels they belong and can call IEEE your professional home. I encourage each of you to dive into all that IEEE has to offer.
Warm regards,
Cosme Loi, P.Eng, MIEEE
Chair, IEEE North Saskatchewan Section

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